farout, yeah, it's been a long time since i posted something and i guess i've got a few minutes before work so why not ay. hahaha, uni's been pretty mean hard. it's good to get back into study mode again, and have a bit more routine in daily life. my time table isn't something too sweet but its good to get up at 8 in the morning and keep active till 6 in the arvo. hahaha, ohh well.

it feels good ay. it's great being at qut. it's a different great from being down at dunedin...it's just different. but its goood ay. great making new friends, great learning new things and just great being a uni student again.

i'm already using what i've learnt in the past few weeks of uni; especially environmental science, beginning to use less and less of my car to save our global warming issue. (not really...just sick of paying for fuel). but it's good ay, catching the bus is pretty fun. it's better now than in high school, just, have time to reflect on everything happening in the day. it's good alone time ay.

hahaha, anyways, i feel more satisfied now now that i posted something. my to-do list is still there in the back of my mind, i'm just trying to fix a few of the major ones up atm. a few tweaks here and there, add in a bit of time and hopefully i'll be able to cross a few off by the end of the year. take it easy people.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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