
Please forgive my absence. For once, my mind has been worry free. I feel content.

Something special....

Sometimes you sit and wonder about happiness and when it will come. Sometimes it just takes something to remind you that you've always had it.


Make mistakes, be foolish and take risks yesterday,
So you can enjoy what today has to offer and look forward to the tomorrows.

Nothing worth having

comes easy.


But we can't
We can't tell
The future no
The first kiss, the beauty of the world we know
So Imma say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if
We all can say duuuduuu duuuduuu duuudu duuudu
Baby, what if

So yeah,


I'd just like to say,

Thank you mang!

To a friend who will be there forever and ever and ever!

I’m in such a good mood that even the pain I get from typing couldn’t stop me from blogging. Along with having 50% of my fingers chopped or sliced in some way (mind you it was mostly due to the inability to stay focused while cooking, not the fact that I’m a shitty chef) not much else seems to be going by the best. I’ve somehow managed to be in more debt, have more on my mind and as a result, probably as stressed as I’ve ever been since holidays began. The sun even decided to be brighter and hotter when I had a mowing job I needed to complete; even the grass thought it would be funny to grow just that little bit longer as well.

But through all the more or less misfortunes I’ve encountered, I still sustain very much a positive chi. The little lawn beetle I used to hit the mowing job taught me the value of persistence and determination, which got me finding lost motivation. The little beast was actually not my first preference as I was sick of it’s gutless ability to mow grass that is slightly longer than normal (who actually mows their lawn unless it’s actually noticeable). The good old Victa came back to life when my uncle and I fixed the fuel clog and cleaned the air filter and my intention was to use it to finish what was in my mind a 45 minute job.

Upon filling her up with some 98, and after what I would describe as a frustrating half an hour of back/ shoulder rows, I gave up and swore to never waste that much time ever again. But the job still needed to be done and with my only free day I’d have before the work week started again, the beetle went into the boot and we were off. As shit weak the beetle was, she started every single time! By every single time I mean every single of the 50 or so restarts I had to make when it bogged down on metre long grass. The job ended up taking 3 hours, with some weeding, racking and sweeping thrown in as well. As I looked down on the little red beast before throwing it into my boot, accomplished, there has never been a time where the words underdog could be so wrongly used. From the first restart to the last which cut the final blade of grass, it was like the little engine that could,- small in power, small in attractiveness, but big in heart; working just as hard as anything else.

I guess even when things get tough and a little discouraging and complicated, the best thing to do is work at it, get through it, and see the light of accomplishment. I guess the hurdles in life are much like those moments when the mower get bogged; just pull the grass out, slide it to the concrete and re-pull the string!

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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