Hello world!

Hi, my name is Ly.

It seems like forever since I last posted but despite this, so much has happened, so many stories to share and so many things to complain about; I don't plan to blog too much about it unfortunately.Unlucky, hahaha.....

There is actual reason for this though, there really is too much to say. I've learnt a lot in the past couple of weeks and that is, there are times when it's important to keep things to yourself!

Why do I say this you might ask? To be honest, my girlfriend taught me and although it was hard to begin with, it has actually made me into a better person. I'm sharing less and focusing more on my problems and bad habits, I was able to work on making them better rather than wasting energy sharing and not doing. It's also made me realize that not too many people care about your problems; no-one does as a matter of fact.

There will always be someone who listens but at the end of the day, your problems are yours and it's only you who can deal with them.

On a lighter note, I wish to share my happiness. Never in my life have I had so much drive and determination to strive for my goals. Only three more months to go and although the list of to do's is humungo, it's achievable.

Work on your problems so you can share your happiness. Please.

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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