man, now that i've got more time to do stuff i've actually become less productive. waking up early to do placements today (ohh yeah, now that i'm 'officially' 2nd year and am able to do the single 2nd year subject that i haven't been able to do, pharmacy placements have been part of my curriculum) i felt like it was probably the one other thing apart from the monday tute that i really needed to really do this week.
tuesday was spent doing jack all day and then heading to work at night. today has probably been my slackest day where even though i did placements, and gymed with martin (it's good how gyming is just apart of any other day now) i feel as though it's been wasted on youtube (barely can be described as wasted in my opinion) and periodically checking hotmail, qut and facebook for notifications. i am an addict.
my plan for the next couple of days...10-12 microbiology tomorrow, 1 - 5 pharmacology revision, friday do some more pharmacology. saturday study a little of calculations and hopefully that will be enough revision for the exams on tuesday and wednesday.
wish me luck.
well well well, look who it is ay you say. i am back, and back as a happy dude. i've definately been through a whole heap to get me to where i am at the moment so maybe i'll do something different in this post compared to other massive essays i usually write.
an article i've read a few times over while sitting on the shitter, in the piss stained mens health magazine (my attempts to skillfully fold the front pages to not touch piss should be highly commended), lies one which titles 'the secret to happiness'. through the pages and pages of random babblings; some including scientific studies of particular economic groups and their levels of happiness, - i've been able to take in one thing which, well, after i try it, will hopefully lead me to a more happy ly.
instead of writing endless 'to do lists' of things you prioritise yourself to do (mind you, i actually still do enjoy writing them), to 'free' up time to do other things you actually enjoy, apparently it's more benificial writing a list of things that make you happy. obvious is the fact that both have absolutely nothing to do with each other, i actually like the idea of reminding yourself of happiness so i guess, we can strive for it instead of striving to finish your 'to do lists'.
things which have made me feel happy this month.
going to all you can eat pizza hut and laughing at bond when he got a little pepper in his eye.
driving around brisbane with the guys after a hard saturday night.
going to 999 and dreaming of the things i could put in my car.
having hour chats about old loves and good times.
going to court to find out that it isn't all that bad.
having solicitor I, initials K come be my lawyer for a day, bloody champ i say.
seeing money in my bank account which will last me longer than my next pay check.
bumming at home working on the car with the fellas.
playing with cola.
drinking soymilk.
listening to jason mraz play butterfly.
seeing janice, tatey and bondy have colourful hair.
seeing ming.
wishing roy a happy birthday.
having a ball kick with all the a block fellas and noticing that old times, and old memories
don't seem to change much.
throwing out the last piece of trash on a saturday night.
helping mum sort out her passport.
knowing mum will be able to go to vietnam to visit grandma.
eatting papa beards.
talking to my pharmacy co-ordinator and realising he's actually a pretty good guy.
sorting out my timetable and finding out i have freed up alot of time due to fixing my enrolment.
sitting on the driveway, listening to martins car howl, as the clear sky turns darkens, throwing little pebbles at martin.
eatting pho breakfast, lunch and dinner.
making two new friends in my tutorial.
having a friend be so grateful of me that i felt like a bad friend.
going to work.
having an orange juice + lemonade at 4 o'clock on a saturday morning.
listening to lies at 4 o'clock on a saturday morning.
the smell of cut grass.
going to the fishing expo with phuccie.
not having uni tomorrow.
getting a haircut.
having QUT grant me the equity scholarship.
waiting for thursday to start on tiens car.
smashing it in the kitchen.
having those few extra hours of sleep.
jumping into a cold, fluffy bed.