Its time

to cram.

My changes.

Exactly 1 year ago. Kind of ironic that I'm holding the kind of food that made me so big just a year previously. Then again, I guess if you enjoy everything in moderation and live an active life overall, you don't really need to be all that worried.

So far....

In attempting to study for my exams, I've found another way to postpone it again after being all facebooked and google-searched out (I decided to make a blog update if you didn't figure that one out).

Life hasn't changed much since the last time I posted properly. Other than the little mishaps that occurred regarding my beloved auto-vehicle, with the tyre pretty much shredded, the rear passenger side brake pads burnt to ash and the front left wheel bearing as wobbly as a spin top about to topple, little else has really made my face frown.

My birthday came and passed and was again another one to remember; not so much for how great of a time it was but for the politics which surrounded those couple of days. You deal with it then, and you get over it later, well I did anyway. I learned so much about myself and so much about the people around me that I'm glad life chucks the shits once in a while, I mean, how else are you supposed to learn?

'Be around people who make you happy' but I guess sometimes to learn that you have to be with people that don't.

Work was and still is my main agenda with the restaurant and security occupying most of my waking hours. Security as a supervisor challenges me more than normal but it definitely isn't as stressful as I thought it would be. I often reminisce while showing guards around the venue, of the time when I was done the same nearly 4 years ago; how quick time passes, and how fast you progress if you decide to put hard work in.

Then I went to Melbourne.

It. Was. Absolutely. AMAZING! But more on that later.

Going to Melbourne was definitely what I needed after the 2 or so years of working my ass off to barely survive. For once I didn't have to worry about money or bills which was great; I did worry about other stuff though but they were less important. It was great to finally see the world outside of Brisbane and to get out and away from my cave that I'd been hiding in. New scenery, new tastes, new feelings and new opinions, made me a new person. Trip number 2 is currently in its planning stage which shows just how much I loved getting away! I've caught it, I've caught the T-bug.

New motivation at the gym was found but I've lost motivation to talk about it. For now.

Blog soon.

how much I love her....

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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