D day

Determination day today. Today is the day I get so determined that all my shit just gets done.

There's too much to do with so little time remaining. 8 am on a Friday morning and I've never been so pumped to write my 50 or so clinical interventions and finally finish the rest of my internship assessment off.

Don't have to wish me luck. I don't need it.

The final list. (not)

1. Clinical interventions
2. Extemporaneous dispensing assessment
3. CPD (2 more points)
4. Log CPD points
5. Sign up for First Aid course (next Friday)
6. Read Continuing Dispensing from PSA
10. Go fishing


Sometimes the mind is blank with absolutely nothing sitting, nothing flowing, nothing aroused, and at others, it doesn't seem to stop. 

Much like restless legs syndrome, the second you start thinking about not fidgitting, you just can't help but, fidgit! 

My mind is rushing, into the shower the mind is blank as if a mud covered fender going through a massive puddle, but coming out free flowing like a polished spot free panel after a nice wash and a wax and polish.

Nothing seems to stick right now, so I'll be back later.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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