since last time, up until now

whoa, where do i really start. it's been a very...i'm not quite sure if it's eventful but occupied sounds pretty good so i'll used that. it's been a very occupied past couple of weeks. if i'm not working over at the restaurant, or providing my security services, i'm near the water with my fishing rod and the few mates who share the same passion as me.

catching absolutely nothing to be proud of all these weeks of fishing gives me every reason to dissagree with the phrase "there are plenty of fish in the sea" which is pretty sad knowing i've used the phrase many times to comfort heartbroken mates, hopefully they won't ever read this blog.

christmas this year was another one to remember having thought of having a quiet one with a few turning out to be having a loud and roudy one with alot; singstaring, bbqing mingling and lam and ray beating each other up. it was a good one, the meat was awesome which couldn't of been awesome without the awesome marinators myself and martin and the cooks phuccie, bindi, martin and myself.



''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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