nearing the end

i sit in a room filled with smells of memories. despite the warmth of the suns rays upon it's presence, the coldness of past tragedies embed itself within these walls.

curiosity tempts me to discover although much hesitation is felt upon knowing what i might find. a bag in drawer three stops me. i pull out bits of my life; the only evidence of what had existed and watch, through off coloured lenses of the past. i feel chills as i begin to wonder of the memories which could have been......

everyday i try and live life right although sometimes it just doesn't seem like thats enough. in no position am i to say i've lived life with no regrets but, well maybe lifes just like that.

i wish you all the very best in life, goal X: - to return here and post someday...when life seems a little bit more awesome.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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