my urge to blog

so i've loaded this page up every internet session i've had and although with much urge and need to blog, i've never actually brought myself into actually writing a couple of words.

there's so much that i've wanted to blog about that if i actually remembered it all, i don't think even the three weeks till holidays plus the month of holidays would be enough time for me to fininsh writing it. so, i'll try my best, and remember the more important things of the things i was supposed to blog.

fishing probably was what started it. a few good weeks back on good friday was probably one of, if not the best fishing experience i've had for a good long time. everything was just perfect. i remember the weather wasn't all that good that whole week and the one before it but friday started with clear blue skies. it was good friday so most of australia was on break and i would be happy with any excuse to have work off on a friday. phuccie and i headed down to the coast early for once (a pre-planned trip is always better than one unplanned). the plan of pumping yabbies on the sandbanks behind the seaway was washed away literally with the full moons affect on the normal rising tide. water at our knees instead of ankles lead us to the spit anyway with a bag of prawns phuccie brought.

the rocks gave the both of us some needed practise on how to deal with the more so difficult snag fishing. with only a few fish biting and the feed we were giving the mosquitoes while waiting for the high tide to come we decided to check out a new spot phuccie had discovered. we fished all along broadbeach, travelling down the channel to fish before the run in tide led us to a load of good sized bream and whiting and a bucket load of butter bream. fishing that night taught the both of us how important a little planning and common sense goes into catching a good feed. a few things we reckon every fishmen/ women should know; -

1. fish a few hours before the high tide
2. plan out your fishing locations beforehand
3. bring the lightest gear you need and the least of it (travel light)
4. bring fresh bait
5. bring lemon (a very good mosquito repellent discovered by phuccie)
6. have a good sharp knife
7. bring a bright torch for scouting
8. bring a good fishing partner
9. have a good attitude to the environment
10. be prepared to do some discovering
11. be prepared for a long night

we finished the night pretty satisfied. i was completely wrecked and phuccie rediscovered his love for fishing. count,- 41 fish, 30 or so keeps. wasn't a bad night.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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