it starts....again?

so we're back at uni this week and i do apologise for the scarce amount of posts that were supposed to be done during the holidays. the holidays were occupied with much work and fishing and alot of catch up sleep.

alot has happened during these past 5 weeks which has changed my view of life a little bit. even with uni starting last monday, it seems as though i'm still in holiday mode, i guess not keeping your brain active for 5 weeks or so affects some normal functioning. i was supposed to get so much done this week but instead, i choose to do much more of the things i was supposed to get done during the holidays; it's funny how you do little while your free and cram things when your busy? it's a little like uni studying don't you reckon?

although this semester is filled with two subjects, the two hour lectures of both 'endured' last monday and tuesday showed maybe 'two' subjects might of been a good idea this semester. they are absolutely insane to say the least but hopefully with much more time on my hands now i'll be able to actually do good for once.

life as i said feels a little different. it seems as though every day means so much with it ending so quickly. days seem so short especially when the sun rises so late and sets so early. i've started to begin training again and hopefully by this time next year i'll be playing in a rugby team alongside a few old and a few new mates. this last half of the year i've planned to quit some old things and start some new things.

the things, as i've described them, are a little uncertain at the moment but hopefully they associate a new job,...maybe better habits,.....a relationship...? hahaha who knows. plans these days seem a little over rated, a little ironic coming from a follower of to do lists and hard fore planning but maybe during this period of life, things need to be a little more well, unplanned? as uncomfortable as i am feeling without no clear set path of these next couple of months, maybe the plans that i've made which were not completed might need to be overcome before i can move forward?

i'm not quite sure if i should actually finish them or just forget about them but hopefully i'll figure that out soon. there still will be some 'planning' but maybe i won't be as pedantic as usual, i mean, if we don't plan for our future, will that future come?



''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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