my first jewfish

i love fishing, there is definately no doubt about it.

when your sitting there among your mates and that distinct sound of reel spool fills the air, well, that's just the icing on the cake. my first decent jewfish (although catching one is definately already a privilege) has shown me how excited even the most amateur fishermen can get when that massive something bends your rod to a point not even imagined.

the cold and aching body from the toll of catching livies, the dirt from which the cast net pulls, which smears across the side of you not matters. not even thought of when you hold on for dear life and hope to god that it doesn't throw it. with the encouragement and the cheering of the fellow boys and the still screaming tighter drag, the atmosphere is definately intense. no longer is each wind just wound, it's pulled.

the rod still bending, it felt tired, until its sudden dash into the open. the drag goes off again but i manage to tighten it up once more and regain the lost line. a cry of 'i see colour' from my dear friend quang brings me to reality that i might actually land this thing. the silky dark silver shadow which lurks beneath the brown waters of the brisbane river swims side to side until it finally reaches the rocks below. molo whom was already down there risked an arse full of mud in which he lost, for a fish we'ld never thought possible from an infamous river of 'only catfish'.

a launch from the man and a slight heave on my behalf had it land right at my feet, still flapping, the sound of wet scales on the ground, everyone remembers it. heavy breathing and hearts pumping are all that's heard for a few moments until ricky breaks the silence with 'that's huge'. a smile can be seen from ear to ear from person to person but rather than for bragging rights and a mean feed, the others smiled in hope for the next one.

ricky got 3 huge (massive) pulls but before the fish could even let him down, his line did. molo landed a fat one just short of mine and although quang was probably least successful, all the fish landed tonight was definately a team effort.

it was a good show to say the least.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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