five minute break

in the five minutes or so that i have to rest my eyes and grab a drink, and go to the toilet, i've decided to come here. i've decided to give my ears a rest (not that they needed any) and have mr mraz blaring calmly through them (see what i did there?).

as you would of guessed it by now, i am once again on the mission of exam preparation in which the word preparation is used correctly for once. to have any chance of passing my exams at the start of the following week i've actually put my head down and done some decent study. i've been 'forced' although very very un-forcefully (it was more to prove a point) to start playing facebook farmville. with the waiting between planting the seeds and harvesting the fruit, i've been at my books in between, a fair bit actually.

the final two lectures needed to be studied for pharmacotherapys' mid semester doesn't seem too bad. respiratory infections along with a few infections associated with genitalia does in fact prove to be quite interesting, the associated pictures make it a lot more interesting as well.

pharmacogenomics is definitely another story however. i just can't wait to study them; much much sarcasm intended.

other than pharmacy on my mind, all that i can think of is fishing. i actually can't believe how determined i am with studying tonight. my only free night for the week, i've decided to not hit the river and throw a few in but hit the books. how motivating ay.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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