Slowly....but getting there.....

So I'm finally trying to lose some weight in an attempt to complete goal 'get abs'. The past week has definitely been a hard one but in saying that, this week seems to be over already.

I looked in the mirror just that one time too much before realizing that even though my cholesterol levels are normal, my heart is going strong and that I'm much grateful for genes that grant me immunity to diabetes, despite my sweet tooth; I just didn't feel like a healthy guy. I started searching for the most healthiest and efficient ways to losing weight.

People with gifted ectomorphic metabolisms could probably scoff down whole cakes and chocolates and burn the calories off a few hours later. I found losing weight much harder and could not stand hearing about the amount of cardiovascular exercise you would have to do to burn off certain foods; I sure as shit wasn't going to do it either. Much similar to the endorsements from people claiming a particular fat loss diet worked after trying 'everything' else, I myself was a little skeptical in trying a 'carbohydrate cycling diet' I had stumbled upon.

Instead of testing how deep the water was, I dove right in, cutting my carbohydrate content to no more than 400 grams on the first day. I cut breads, pastas, starchy vegetables, sugar, sugary drinks, sugary fruits; if it had an '-ose' at the end of it, it was gone. I remember my first breakfast where I ate 3 whole eggs scrambled. It was the most dreadful thing I'd ever eaten for breakfast considering brekky was usually my largest meal of the day and it was one that I enjoyed the most.

Today I actually craved for one egg yolk in my 5 egg whites scrambled and in the 7 of so days on the carb cycle diet I've come full circle with my thoughts and am definitely a lot more informed about how my body reacts. My second day on the diet would see me cut this carb content even lower. Instead of the scarce amount of wholegrain bread I was allowed to have with my turkey and cheese sandwich, I was allowed an extra scoop of protein powder. Instead of the extra piece of fruit I was allowed with my protein shake, I was allowed an extra scoop of protein powder. It killed me by day 3 when all I could think of was what I would have for my cheat meal on Sunday.

Powering through it all, I hit the scales early on Saturday night to see if much had changed. When the scale said 116.4, I hopped back down to check if the thing was working right. Even after re-weighing myself, and again after getting Martin to weight himself to see if it was right, I was ecstatic. Not even a week after trying this diet I'd lost 1.4 kilos, down from 117.8kg. This saw me eat hard on Sunday and train even harder. Even the four pieces of KFC didn't do damage to my weight as when Tuesday came around, I dropped another 800 grams, I was now as light as I was at the end of high school, nearly 5 years ago.

I promised Martin that I would see 114 next week although in my mind, the challenge of losing the first kilo is no where near as hard as losing the next, I knew I could do it. So today, 2 days after, and a week and three quarters after my diet started, I'm at 115 flat (114.8 before training).

Check back at this space in few weeks, you'll want to start losing weight too once you find out how easy it gets.

Ly Truong, still that fat man but 2 and a half kilos lighter...


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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