Thinking positive

Year 2010 is the year of the tiger and apparently it's not much of a good year for us dragons. As I have already experienced, a few noticeable things have happened which may help confirm this little horoscope prediction.

While typing this post, I am doing so on my little sisters old vaio as my laptop decided that I wouldn't be bored enough with uni holidays just starting; she died. But the thing which made it worst was the fact that it would turn on and operate normally for about 10 percent of the time which got me to question whether or not I should fix it or just see if it fixed itself. It didn't and upon taking her to the local computer guy who usually fixes my stuff (yes, I occasionally have computer problems) I learned that he was away in Vietnam for a few weeks.

Realizing that I didn't need the computer anyways considering all I would do was work over the holidays, I happened to find myself a nice stomach bug and eatted (hahaha) it up, which put me on the toilet with massive gut cramps every 20 or so minutes for 4 days. Heaps of fun.

I absolutely treat my phone like dog shit and after fixing her up with a new case, I found that a few solders had broken off in the process and it forgot how to turn on. 150 bucks later she works like a charm and I cared for it like a baby. I am amazed at how sturdy those nokias' are made though as I've dropped it millions of times off shelves 3 or so metres high to result in barely a scratch. It's funny how the one time I actually put it down so that I wouldn't break it would be the last time it worked normally. I get too emotional just talking about it so I will just tell you that she can't slide now and I can't talk to people unless they are on loudspeaker.

It seems that however it isn't just me who's been on the bad side of luck these days. Tiens little emo decided to die on the side of the road and after some good money, and 5 weeks later, he's to pick it up monday. Martin seems to be having heaps of fun as well with his fridge breaking and taking 3 weeks to fix, his car dying and there was also something else which I can't remember; not being as sexy as me maybe?

But in all the bad, I've got to admit, the horoscope doesn't tell all truth. The diet which was working splendidly for me even though was wrecked by the bastard of the bug I ingested, the food intoxication helped me along with an extra couple of kilos considering I didn't eat much for the first couple of days. It also helped me relate to patients and with the meds the doctor gave me, I learned some useful information for mondays counselling exam on diarrhoea and constipation. My computer dying allowed me to reflect much more on myself rather than chilling out surfing the net for useless stuff, I was actually able to lie down and read some of cloudstreet that I started a year or so ago.

I also was able to grab a new screen (the one I was supposed to get a year ago) for the new substitute computer in which the screen lamp has died). And with the phone, well, I guess, there's really not much to say here....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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