Before I go to bed

It's been just short of three months since the new year took off and I feel that I've accomplished so much more than I did in the whole 12 months that preceded it. My personal goals mostly related to fitness, health and well being. Today I am happy to say that I've reached my goal of being 95 kilograms.

I hit 95.7 a couple of days ago which made my carb depleted body feel as if it just had a whole loaf of bread chased down with coke! Days at the gym where I'm mentally stimulated through feelings of accomplishment are usually those that out train any stimulant consisting days no matter how much I take (by stimulants I mean caffeine..., 6 cups of it mind you). I smashed shoulders that day and could see many differences since the start of the year. I've noticed that my brachial vein can be seen through my front delts running down along my arm and the lats seems a little wider now....pretty vain aren't I!?

Training wise I definitely haven't been as focused as I was at the start of the year but I guess with time being such a sacred commodity these days, missing one of two days at the gym still leaves me with, four days a week...? I'm getting back to the heavier volume sets this week and I'm glad I've improved my strength even with the weight loss and dieting. Consistently hitting the numbers every workout keeps me motivated but I know it's not such a big deal even if I didn't; just have to work harder next time......I'm pretty happy at the moment!


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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