T minus 2 days.

It's been a great year so far. Work is hectic and uni could be better but everything else is great. I've smashed it at the gym these days with the extra calories chucked in accidentally on purpose; I've been actually eating my required calories instead of wasting away between workouts. As a result, I've been able to gain some weight on the iron and lose some weight around the bodies.

My lowest for the year showed 94.5kg on the scales with the relating workout hitting a pb shoulder press of 35 for 4 reps. Cardio will probably be my main priority this month and my diet will probably be more closely monitored; no more sugars in my coffee, or chocolate pods (goosh I've been slack!)

I've always talked about and pre-planned all these getaway holidays with the gang many times over and for once, I've proceeded to booking, paying and now, am officially waiting for the time where I really can get away. We booked to stay in Melbourne for a week, during one of the three weeks break that we get from the shop. I seriously cannot wait till we go especially considering how long we've gone without having a holiday (I can't remember the last time the shop actually closed; wait, we closed one day for the Brisbane Floods,....I guess we really had no choice right?)

I initially found it a little awkward using the word holiday as it didn't seem that I deserved it but these days, I've learned to give myself a break. From 4 o'clock sign offs at the muddy and 8 o'clock lectures preceding that and 6 day shifts with an afternoon on a Sunday to relax, I think that it may just be my turn to de-stress for a few days; I mean, I'll become more productive after wards right? I seriously cannot wait!

Talking about Sunday relaxes, I spent the few twilight hours on the Sunday with Miss special and two other specials who were in the area for what turned out to be a great night of catch up, shit talking and appreciation of great company. We even got to check out the local new Mexican and desert on offer; both pretty sub par but that didn't really matter.

Nothing at the moment really matters too much.
Life. Is. Good.

No it isn't, it's great.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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