
What the shit do I do today! Day off, sun shining and I'm in the back wall at Griffith university, watching it all go by!

I'm actually in the library, the new section Griffith University opened up for it's students. Notice how I italictisized that, I'm not a student bitch and I'm stealing all your internet and air-conditioning goodness. Hiding in the back here trying to get some work done because apparently even on my days off I've managed to find more work to do.

I am absolutely so freaking behind on my CPD points it's not even funny anymore. It stopped being funny when I found out other colleagues had done 20 more than they required for the year compared to a big fat zero from yours truly. I guess I've just got to get started then don't I?

But I haven't been doing that, I've been answering e-mails, typing clinical interventions (because for some reason time just absolutely bolts at work), designing, taking calls, answering messages. Shit. When I'm rich, I'll hire someone to do this all for me. Until then, have a to do list;

1. E-mail blenders about costing/ pricing/ packaging (DONE)
2. Call lawyers for settlement
3. Reply to Facebook messages
4. Complete 2 CPD courses
5. Do compounding assessment for PSA
6. Start writing health promotion project.
7. Get familar with NPS medicinewise
8. Make a study plan for ORAL EXAM
9. Finish designs for T-shirts
10. Finish typing clinical interventions
11. Update price for accord (DONE)
12.  Clean room
13. Buy a clothes rack and storage stuff
14. Give the dogs a bath
15. Re-organize documents 
16. Chase up tax return
17.  Blog
18. Go for a fish


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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