
Yeah yeah, roll your eyes. Here comes a new years resolution post you might be thinking. Sure, you are probably half right but seriously, from half completed Blog posts, to sitting around waiting for my next shift at the pharmacy to start, I feel like I should be a little more proactive. And what a better way to do that, than to propose it for the new year, which starts in just short of 12 hours.

What a year it has been. Seriously. This time last year, I was ass to the grass, swamped in so much shit that I really didn't think I was going to make it out. But I did, and I adapted pretty quickly to the life of an intern shit kicker, who managed to juggle that second job, throw in the third one for a little while and come out, slightly undamaged (less than usual) with a few more stories to tell.

If I had to summarise my year up in one word, it would definitely be a year of impulsiveness. I bought a house this year which was fun, not that I really wanted to but shit in life never really goes to plan. Started a business, travelled, became a pharmacist and left a job to finally start my career. All through impulsiveness, nothing planned, but couldn't of planned the timing better myself.

I woke up one day thinking that this would be a good idea, and I did it. Found myself some contacts and before you know it, 6 months had passed and it was time to hand over the money for something I could call my own. We decided to drive to Sydney, after an 'I'm game if you're game' conversation with the girlfriend and after 10 hours, we were starting at the harbour bridge.

Alot of people look back when they are 25 and think, fuck, where did all the time go.

I've looked back plenty of times this year, to an older time and thought, fuck me, I did all that? If my next 25 years are just about to start, I seriously can't wait for what is to come.

Kick start the new year off with a bang, and go do something impulsive.
You are never to old to say fuck lets do it.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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