just a list of the few things i need to complete by the end of the month. i have a to do list widgit but never really come to ever noticing it; maybe if i blog it i'll be able to keep track of what i've already done and no done.

accept my offer for qut
apply for hecs-help
check up for my hecs-help
enrol to qut
ask the boys for which papers i should take for my course
fix up centrelink
re-confirm my shifts for this week (12 monastry, 8 calamvale, 9 alex hills, 6:30am big day out)
ask about big day out information
get creatine and more protein
make a gym workout chart
make a food and supplements chart
make gym measurements and record
finish looking for alibrandi

return the da vinchi code and the interpreter to video ezy
drink 3 glasses of green tea a day
drink 5 litres of water a day
wash the dog/ put council dog tabs on collar
clean my car
clean my room/ clean the toilet/ clean the house
fold the clothes
fix the lawn mower and mow the lawn
advertise the boats
check my car rego expiry date
find out if any bills need to be paid
burn phuc house and step up
start looking over science notes
visit marius
call dad
call justine
sew the fitness first bag up
post more pictures on blog
ring qhss and ask for pay slip
update and post completed goals
weed and water the garden

farout...looks like i've got a fair bit to do, gotta get off my arse soon.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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