officially not sick 2

yeah, i reckon it was the week just passed which killed me. our show day holiday wasn't too bad, working at the eagle farm races i got to look after an empty taxi rank all day and got paid time and a half doing it. i was able to study all 67 skeletal muscles anterior and posterior we were supposed to learn for physiology which wasn't too bad. got to sign off early to head over to the vic which apart from nearly all getting our heads kicked in early on, twas pretty much as cruisy as the time at the races. thursday was recovery day, getting to catch up on all the sleep of the week till then; bloody still not used to the eight o'clocks ay. spent the night talking to justine cause she was in a procrastinating mood and fell asleep sometime around 3.

hmmm, the weekend was a pretty choice one, well from what i remember anyway. we had a good lunch over at the pinelands sushi place, the three of us boys ate 4 times more than the girls (it was great sushi ay) and phuccie couldn't man up to eatting his green tea icecream. we went window shopping at garbo until we decided to meet up with a few of d block at southbank to watch chuck and larry. awesome movie ay; well if your into gay homo jokes, u'll know what i mean when you see it. hahahahaha.

that's probably about all i really remember clearly of that saturday. we headed home to get dressed for a meet up with some of my security workmates out at the mustang. i pretty much don't remember much between a game of pingpong, a few drinks and finding myself in my lounge room in my underwear...hahahaha; well not really ay, i find it pretty scary ay...

woke up throwing up bucket fulls of black stuff and blood with my tonsil inflammed the size of one of those really huge marbels. hmmm, i'm really not keen on doing that again ay.

the doctor prescribed me some cough medicine, roids and new antibiotics (the last ones i had for the flu gave me the runs).... hahaha, he reckons my immune system was down from the flu and the drinking pretty much knocked me with some virus it wouldn't of cough if i was all strong and healthy. i feel happy taking roids, it makes me get an itch under my skin and gives me euphoric dreams; bloody awesome side effects; except for the itching.

can't wait to sleep, hope i don't see rabbits, butterflies and teddy bears like i did yesternight. good night people!


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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