stronger than!

hahaha, far, it's heaps stink, i wrote a huge post but lost it when i tried adding pictures and it froze the computer. ohh well, didn't really write about much i don't really remember what it was about anyway.

studying has been sick as lately ay. physiology and anatomy just clicks with me ay, i've devised a new way of learning as well which is alot better than how i used to study. i don't waste time writing out lectures anymore ay. i'm suprised that i'm actually not behind on any lectures knowing that i've stayed home for a few. reading, trying to understand and then making it fun really does work for me ay. hahaha, yeah, i know what you thinking but i don't care, it's just fun ay, i find it heaps interesting ay. sometimes in my spare time i sit there and see how fast i can name all the bones and muscles in the body and then try and beat the time next time round. i reckon that main thing to remember stuff is consolidation, something not many of us do ay. i've probably gone over my lecture notes twice a week now that i don't waste time on writing them out.

hahaha, yeah, still have to read up a bit more tho, i've still got to catch up on cellular molecular biology which isn't on my enjoyable things to do list but i guess ya just gotta do it ay.

work has been as fun as watching eddy drunk. hahaha, it's been awesome ay, i love it at the 'vale and since last week when i was doing the nightclub at the alex, i love it there as well ay. hahaha.

man i'm a facebook addict these days ay, i'm gonna go and jump on it before my timer runs out. between my breaks i set a 10 minute timer, when it runs out i go back to study. far, it's already run out but someone left me a comment. hahahaha! ciao, post next time. fat


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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