lys saaad

i'm sad today and im not quite sure why. i'm in one of these moods where the world seems to spin right around my stationary self. it feels as though so much is happening around me that it's gonna take me ages to catch up to it. holidays have pretty much pasted now although they're soo short it doesn't really seem like we're in any kind of break anyway. thursdays today, which leaves me absolutely no other day to do anything i had planned at the start of the break, then again, i've been working pretty hard these past couple of day s.

restaurant has been fairly busy, and i guess i've done my satisfactory hours in fishing. i'm still to put a line in the water tho as fishing these holidays have consisted only by cast net. the place myself and paullie found has been nicknamed the mullet hole as that's pretty much alll you catch there. it's a very peacefull place, taking phuccie up there one arvo, we all sat on the abandoned jetty, the one where you reach after climbing around a fence and walking down an unstable as ramp.

sitting there, soaking wet, waiting for the fish to come back, gave me a sense of peacefulness, if that can be used to describe it. the suns just setting, where the sky gets all cool coloured, and you get that friday arvo feeling after schools fininshed when your young. mullet splashes can be seen and heard all over the place, and looking forward towards the mangroves on the other side, bare weathered jetty posts can be seen, standing as a reminder of it's past.

very peaceful i must say but other than the minute sense of happiness this gave me, the balance of life seems to be tilting slightly to the left for me, towards baaad. it's not all that bad i guess, like everyone, there are good times in your life and bad times in your life, tho it just seems at the moment, all my bad times i've had up until now, well not neccesarily bad, but more, hard times, have all been done for little or no gain at all.

maybe i'm just a little too impatient, im always for the optimist, and really, i'm still true to the saying, if you work hard, there will always be something in return but i just feel like it's just soo much more easier to give up. i guess sometimes you've just gotta keep pulling on that rope until it's finally yours.

i hope after this is all over, i will become a better person.

listening to this makes me feel like a bettter's just amazing.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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