
so now it's 7:04 on a saturday two weeks from my last post. finished with exams last tuesday tho it seems much much longer since then. hopefully my thought of having to repeat all my papers this semester doesn't come true (i really really hope it doesn't).

i can't really quite remember what i was supposed to blog about but i think it had something to do with the concert i went to the week before my last post. the feeling is quite hard to describe in fact. having to start listening to their stuff again just now, i can actually remember the exact experience i had though. awesomenesssss. nah i don't know really ay. maybe it's just the feeling of freedom now that exams are over and that i can actually have time to lie on my couch and think about all the things i felt like thinking about during exams; like tea and ....different ways to scare my dog. i love it how we have a good couple of days a week for three weeks to just do absolutely nothing, well be able to choose if we do absolutely nothing or something. the sunday, monday and thursdays between work for these three weeks are my free days.

i get to wake up late, eat whatever i want to and choose to do absolutely nothing (because i reckon i deserve it). hahahaha but it hasn't been all that tho. we've all probably gotten broke from the endless hours of dota and COD4 "endured" this week although we've all agreeed that we might as well get it over and done with because we'll just end up playing anyway. market squaring has been good with the new little hong kong opening up; they have awesome duck btw. and that's probably about it really. we saw a movie the other day (hancock) but that's pretty much all we do everyday. wake up, eat, figure out whose gonna come and play games....and then rock up home, sleep and do the same thing the next day. i love it ay.

i haven't gymed in a while but we've kept up our cardio by playing ball and i punch the bag every few days or so. we got new security gear as well ay. the merger that happend tuesday, the start of the new financial year got us new uniforms, a new name and that's probably bout all that's different. doesn't really bother me too much ay, but ild much rather our old logo and name...QHSS just flows a bit better than BEST security don't ya think?

but yeah, i dunno that's what i mean's good being able to talk about absolutely anything and think about things other than worrying about how unis gonna be or which lecture i should go to or that i have to go to work because i'll run out of money to pay for stuff. it's weird, i'm alot more broke now than i was during uni but it doesn't bother me. i mean i still need to work for finances but maybe without the stress of uni, everything else just seems to be more of a pea than a watermelon.

hahaha, these guys imo capture this in their music. have a listen.

cruisy ayyyy?


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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