we begin....again

not really....with all my might and restraint unable to keep me away from this place, i've decided to give another post....just one more...

i'm on my stride towards being 100% again. the bloody phluuu has got me for the first time this year but i guess with it battling with an imune system of an ox, i've manage to limit my downtime to only, at most, a day and a half. i guess alot of it was to do with my resting and taking things easy as well as smashing very occasional comfort foods, a cure many of you people know but don't have "time" to do. there definately isn't any drug that can get rid of the bastard but the odd codeine can put even the biggest ugly to sleep.

my two or so days although has left me pretty much behind in absolutely everything in uni (it's gonna be bloody hard to catch up i'll tell you that; it's only the first week as well), it doesn't seem as disastrous considering that i'm pretty much back to normal and i haven't spread the evil to others which could of made them tired, and then drowsy because of the all the drugs they would of been taking and because they aren't lazy arses like me, they would of travelled to uni and quite possibly spread their sickness to the driver of the many buses and well...u get the jist....the bus driver goes to work sick, not paying attention and smashes into an incoming barrier and everyone dies......

i'm awesome. i'm never posting again....never.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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