how fast it is for big dark rain clouds to block the sun of it's healing sunshine. we gymmed today (or more correctly, "worked out", according to some; janice, vu), and it raped. the day was clear with a few cirrus clouds up high and although it was a little hot for comfort, the slight breeze and the warmed up glasses of water we chugged down helped a heap.

legs was on the agenda today and even though we've pushed each other a fair bit and endured some good pain, nothing was to prepare us for today. after a good 5 or so sets of squats, 5 sets of lunges, and what we called crazies (walking up and down the stairs holding 20's), we did another 6 sets of abs exercises. chugging down a good few grams of protein, martin leaves for home to get ready for work and i sat, exhausted on top of the stairs against the hand rail, enjoying the sounds of jamie cullum and the refreshing afternoon breeze which blows against my lecture notes. suprisingly, i was able to concentrate enough to complete a whole lecture which leaves another 3 to go....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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