getting older

there are a few things on my mind at the moment.

1. the paint job i did on my beast yesterday turned out alright other than the little blotches of primer which can be seen on the surface, time for a cut and polish and hopefully it should look pretty ok.

2. my room although as tidy as it looks, there seems to be little things that are irritating me like the two empty protein shakers in front of me which should be sitting on the kitchen bench, my passport beside my arm should be in it's third draw within the cupboard so i know where i can find it next time i need it, and the camera, and sisters hardrive, and to do list not where they should be.

3. stuff regarding my uni studies like how i'm going to afford textbooks (i actually think it's best to use some this year), and stationary, and then there's the stuff you do before actually studying like the health and safety quizzes i'm supposed to be doing, my placement emergency details and confidentiality forms and then theres the fact that uni starts exactly a week minus 1 day from now.

4. my car and the result of a court apperance. driving around low isn't always fun, especially when police have to do their job.

5. that dead gold fish in the fish tank i've got to get rid of tomorrow morning.

6. mum and little sister.

7. my debts.

8. co diep, khai, di van, tien the gay fag, martin.

9. the fishing trip with phuccie to the mean lake we discovered.

10. ricky coming home.

11. my equity scholarship.

12. how mad bondy is that i've been cancelling our chill nights.

13. how stink i feel for cancelling most of the things i said i'm to attend.

14. how grateful i am that even through hard times i've still got people who are there and really care for me.

15. how old i'm getting.

16. the quote co diep told me 'ai cung co no, no tieng khong la no tinh, ai ma noi khong no lam phat.
'everybodys in debt, whether it be money or love, those who say they aren't are arrogant.'

17. how even at this age, how excited i get when i receive a catch up phone call. maybe it was me more excited to catch up than janice intended.

17. work.

18. food.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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