why am i such a mad c.nt

i'm still trying to figure out why i'm such a mad c.nt. hahaha, i am quite jittery at the moment and am a little scared that in some specific increment of time, that by some chance, my heart will stop and i will stop being so mad.

i've turned to the good old green and to tell you the truth i have never really felt better, really. too stressed i am that i've actually forgotten for the little time it has been (much like when you need to poo soo much that you stop needing to poo). i guess like all things though, how gangster newton expressed it, with every action, there is a reaction. was that him? im so ever keen to not ponder.

to me, the only reaction i can actually look forward to is the insane diahorrea i'll be experiencing, well actually these days i've developed such a tolerance for caffeine that i simply, to be less graphic, butt fart. nonetheless, butt farting is still better than what i've had to endure. i hate studying but for some reason tonight seems alright, maybe a little better, maybe i've seen just that little ray of light at the end of the never ending tunnel of darkness.

is that a train...?


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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