I like Boredom

Uni started for me this week and upon my procrastination to catch up on the lectures that I didn't attend, I was searching through my old hard-drive to find pictures I could photoshop experiment with; it starts early this year don't you reckon?

I was bludging a few days ago looking for supplements until I stumbled on some photoshop tutorials (pretty random hey?) and thought it was something neat to try. Instead of hitting the gym tonight and with my enthusiasm for playing a few hours of games saved only for my lonesome self, I decided to reward myself with a night at home doing absolutely anything I wanted. With my gym buddy Martin coming down with a rather severe cold, the past couple of workouts just haven't been the same without him. Nonetheless gym is gym however you look at it; tonight I just couldn't be arsed.

After doing a few lomo modifications and getting pretty bored with it, I decided to browse the millions of old photos I had on my hard-drive. I also remembered last Friday during work, when the lyrics to Otherside by The Red Hot Chili Peppers were stuck in my head and that I promised myself I would find time to just chill out listening to their album. I did so while clicking through my old high school albums, which brought me back to a time I wished so dearly to relive.

Much like the photos of old birthdays and south bank soccer photos, The Red Hot Chili Pepers brought just as many memories back. I remember Track 6 it was, Californication, which pumped from our cabin (number 2) on a late spring afternoon, sun just about to set while our class of Mr Crowleys grade 7s were fielding in a game of cricket against everyone else. In the middle of the student cabins lie a field of grass which was greener than green and so soft between the toes that you would actually notice it. With the background noises consisting of wave breaks and birds feeding on little insects, and the smell of the preparation of our dinner slowly drifting from the kitchen to the field, this, this is what I compare many of my greatest memories to; none have ever made me feel this good, not yet.

As I listened through the album, I reached the final song, 'Road Trippin' where I remember being young and how much I hated this song. For some reason I just couldn't relate to it interpreting it as a song to get away, away from the beautiful memories I had made. But now, upon listening to it, I am reminded of my more recent past, the memories of NZed which I was coincidentally already viewing. The memories of getting away, away from home to see the world, make new friends and find a home away from home.

I was brought back to reality by Colas little growl sulk, and although I was a little sad of how time passed by so quickly, Jack Johnsons' Do you remember sort of put me in an appreciative mood although not directly through his lyrics. I do have a slight feeling of content knowing how much joy I get reminiscing about the past. I mean, a few years from now, I'd probably think of how much I would give to come back to today.

I promise myself to dust off my old camera and start recording some memories. I swear whenever it's out, priceless happenings usually occur, it must have magical powers......


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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