And another year passes

So it has been a couple of days since the last time I posted however this time there actually is reason for such a postponed bloggage.

Even though days don't seem to be stuffed with both uni 'and' work, the last week of pretty much complete freeness (I didn't have a prac class last wednesday) I've been hard at work, fixing the car to make look a bit more like a car. For four days and the countless number of hours it encompassed, I have finally repainted the accord to a more decent colour black, one which helps me relax a little bit more when I see the occasional po po driving by these days.

Through the numerous amounts of wetsanding, wax and grease rinsing, priming, base coating and clear coating, I definitely could not have done it without the efforts of phuccie whom helped me tape her up and drive me around Brisbane to get the parts to get her sorted. Despite the fact that phuccie complained about how I slave laboured him, hopefully the couple of fishing lures I gave him in return paid him back a little (he'll probably be more than happy to use the slave labour excuse next time he lends me a hand, that bloody bastard!)

With a bit of a wetsanding of the clear coat and a buff and a polish and a wax, hopefully she'll look just out of the shop. Hopefully.

I finally got my protein I ordered a week or so back but in tasting my first shake, the wait was definitely worth while. So in regards to protein, I've also stepped up the training with Martin where both him and I broke the 25 and 37.5 kilogram chest dumb bell barriers respectively. Another achievement that I definitely am proud of is finally reaching the 110 mark at a final after workout weight of 110.4 while maintaining weight on strength training.

What a way to spend a birthday hey. Ohh yeah, my birthday just passed over from yesterday and was enjoyed starting with a little hon-ing with the crew, a little uni, a sleep and a quiet one which ended at maccas eating chicken mcnuggets.

Love you guys and love the gifts ya got me.

I'm off to watch some big bang theory and hopefully fall asleep dreaming of happy things. G'night Mr Internets.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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