Long weekends Part 1

I’ve been a little lost these past couple of days, not only due to the fact that my phone finally decided to shit itself, but I think the over-training I did the past couple of weeks has put me down hard.

Its difficult getting up in the morning these days especially when I’ve got no phone to wake me up but the body screams for more sleep and I usually cave in. Sunday was a good sleep where 12 or so hours went under the sheets. The missing may be due to the fact that these past couple of weeks have been pretty full on and the fatigue and restlessness of the physical is finally catching up to me.

We’ve had two long weekends in a row and damn, what those long weekends were! I think I did mention briefly that my birthday was spent as a quiet one early morning at the local internet café together with the close. All seemed to be a year once past again until a hint of reveal from Martin and I guess a little bit of hope on my behalf that a simple fishing trip Sunday morning didn’t seem so simple. A reminder of my over-analyzing personality put me to bed early that night, because surely, two surprise birthdays just didn’t seem a likely chance.

But it was, and confirmed so when Phuccie and Ricky awoke me under a mass of bodies that is the doggie pile in which I noticed Phuccie was slightly overdressed for a short flick session down the coast. When Bindi barged in looking a little less scrubby than usual, and told me to move my arse to get ready and to put something nice on, I could only think of one thing and one thing only; seafooooood buffet, they remembered!

So after a little more or less enthusiastic attempts of the guys whom arrived one by one at the sunnybank maccas to pretend to wonder what I also was doing at sunnybank, a convoy of several cars started to head down the coast. While admiring the two jackal lures martin had given me, I also realized how relaxing it was being a passenger for once. With Bindi driving the Camry, and the much larger seats which accommodated me and the comfortability of the air con breezing past my cheeks to make them cold, it felt like goodness that I’ve been longing to experience once upon a time....



''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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