
life is great.
It’s amazing how so much has changed in merely a few weeks just passed. I had my first lecture for the semester today and as sleep deprived and physically drained I was, I still managed to stay awake, stay focused and power through the lecture along with a day out at the museum, work, gym and now, sitting before you, trying to complete this blog post.
Physically, I have never felt and looked better and even on the scales, I can’t remember the last time I actually saw numbers so low. Sitting on 96.8 before training, I feel that my goal of 95 by the end of this year may be achieved a little sooner than I thought. As a result, it’s motivated me to aim for another 5 kilos on top of that which will hopefully let me see a little less flab and a little more abs; hopefully to attract the ladies.
‘To attract the ladies’ hey, it’s funny I still say things like that considering I’ve finally found someone who is able to put up with me. That’s right, nufinspecial has finally found someone special, I kind of feel slightly more special now that I know I’m no longer a hopeless romantic, well less hopeless at least. I’ve wanted so much to share with the world but considering the lengths and complications we’ve had to overcome to just be where we are now, I guess taking things slow and letting time sort out the iffy bits is most wise; its actually kind of exciting seeing the reactions of the people that do find out, everyone will found out eveventually....It feels like big news...?
I don’t remember the last time I’ve worked so hard and not complained about it. I have re-opened the door that was once thought to be locked forever but in doing so, I’ve managed to work hard enough to receive a promotion, 3 weeks back and I feel so loved already. The restaurant has been 6 days a week which I thought would wreck me by now but it hasn’t. I no longer have weekends but at this point in my life, my priorities lie mostly on paying off my debt so I can be free from financial burdens; well, less worried about it at least. I was offered the restaurant which I kindly declined (not that I hadn’t thought about it) which made me feel so flattered knowing that people really do appreciate the way I work. Even a comment on one of my photos on face book left me pretty happy; a mate of mine described how much of an inspiration I was to everyone with the transformation I’ve made through my hard work at the gym.
I do really apologize for being such a cocky guy today but truthfully, I’m just grateful of what I’ve achieved so far and without the motivation and encouragement of every single person in my life, there would be no way I’d get this far. I do believe that if you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it. Be genuinely passionate and humble and you’re pretty much there.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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