In recent weeks life seemed swell with almost every aspect of life either being great or returning to great. This week, I'm so content with life I wonder what transitions have occurred to make me feel this way.
I often talk about hearing the music, my calling, the music which sings to the heart and makes my mind happy. These days, the music of love is heard and felt every single day, not just for that special someone but for everyone, everything, all things.
Could it be the change in weather or the massive influx of love songs shared by the little sister? Certain songs always remind me of specific memories and seasons. When I think about it now, my last year music-wise was pretty much Jason Mraz and all things acoustic; very much like the year previous. When Jason Mraz plays on the radio, I instantly think of my fishing days with the gang and those hot sultry nights in the kitchen with Martin.
I felt so free those years and so young. As I reflect on old posts I've made, I'm also reminded of how consumed I was with work and how fussed I was over the little shits that comes with life; life seemed to be all about surviving, day by day.
Today, I've noticed that I'm different to how I used to be. Different on the outside but not on the inside if that makes any sense. I feel that I'm more myself these days, that specific traits have been brought to the surface, specific attributes which were important to me back then but drifted in the past years.
No longer am I as judgmental as I used to be. My love for people grows so much more now that I am no longer blinded by negativity. I was always reminded in primary school how 'one should not judge others if one does not want to be judged themselves', one valuable lesson which as an adult, I've somehow chose to forget.
I no longer live in the past but embrace that it happened and treat them as shelved memories. I wasted too much energy holding onto the past that I forgot to live in the moment and plan for the future. Recent weeks have taught me that holding onto the past can make you regret your future. It's also taught me that without moving forward and adapting to change, you'll get left behind.
The music I hear today is so loud that I have to share it with everyone that is near. Even my little sister seems to have heard it, this is a good change. A new and improved Ly.
''When I go out people come up to me
They keep on telling me how I should be
I listen, wishing they could leave me alone
- leave me alone
Tonight, I leave my world behind
I'm letting go tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Tonight, I leave it all behind
I'm letting go tonight''
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Tonight - Danny ft. The Providers