
Blogging these days seem fairly non-existent but I can assure you, I'm still alive and kicking, even though you haven't heard my ramblings in a while.

The past couple of months/ weeks have been a little hard. To be really honest, nothing has really changed or become more difficult; normal life just seems harder! I think with all the work, and uni (even though we are on break at the moment), and late nights, and the gym, and the missus and everything in between has finally taken it's toll on the once invincible Ly.

I've burnt out but I'm picking myself back up and putting back the pieces, slowly, but still progressing. There are quite a few things in life that I need to sort out but something the girlfriend has explained once before, just takes a proper couple of hours a day to fix; you know me, I know me, nothing gets worked on until the last second or when shit finally hits the fan.

But that was a week ago and I've finally done something about it. Finances, timetabling, uni, gym and normal living doings are in progress.

With motivations high, hopefully this little semi-blogging will help me get back on track, and blogging, a little more.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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