My little resurrection...

Well Hi there...

My updates have been way way 'way' too long overdue and I dearly do apologise for this. It was all really thanks to good mate of mine who threatened to never return to my blog if I hadn't updated it more regularly. It's good to see that people come back to check this blog once even with the lack of activity, to these people, friends, thank you and again, sorry, I will try harder to fill you with some bloggy-goodness.

Since my last blog, to be quite frank, jack has actually happened, and no, I did not father a son named 'Jack'......Everything stays the same with my usual complaints of work; six degrees six days a week, security on the weekend, uni whenever I need to be there and gym between work and seeing my girlfriend.

I've quite liked the little routine I'm in at the moment. As you've probably heard at least once in your life though, some people wish for riches, or looks but realistically, a little bit more time in a day, even an extra hour would do so much for me I reckon. An extra hour of sleep, an extra hour of work, an extra hour to do some cardio or even an extra hour to do jack all; then again, all the time I spend doing jack all on a normal day would probably equate to more than that of an extra hour I wished for, no, it definitely would.

But again, I do really like the jist of how things are at the moment. I mean, if I actually did sleep on time and before the sun rises every day, I wouldn't be so tired and lifeless through the day; something I will definitely work on once exams are over.

Yes, exams are here and I've smashed through 3 already, 4th on the Thursday coming. Gosh, and to know that I've got four exams for 1 subject, I really wonder how I'm going to get through next year with a full-time study load; just got to smash that shit right? My study this semester has been going by pretty good. Not as much mid-night cramming, late night V's and any of that business anymore. I think turning up to class and actually learning something as opposed to getting my named marked off for attendance and then pissing off has helped me retain so much more information. Goal 2011 --> No more cramming...(complete?) doubt it...

Gym has been going real great! I've got kind of a client base now with my little self promoting happening around the little friends network. I guess looking sexy has its perks right? Jokes aside though (not really, I am actually looking pretty sexy these days), I've gotten a few of the guys and girls to join Jetts to battle with the body fattage and look sexy. It's been really motivating seeing the guys and girls progress and to see real passion and motivation, its something thats kept me going for workout these days as well; I mean, what type of trainer are you when your clients are more motivated to work out than you?

Since the start of the year, being just under 99.9, my lowest in the year got the scales to show me a 92.4 kilograms. It's still a massive struggle to get under 90 and being at the lowest, I plateaued hard with my lack of nutritional knowledge. Back up to 96 flat now and although I'm a little disappointed that I probably won't be able to see under 90 till at least next year, I've learnt a whole lot about my body this ending year and feel that I've gotten a lot stronger and gained a little bit of muscle on the way. You let me know if I look any different....I can't seem to spot it....

Anyway, even though I'm pumped as to post more, I think if I don't snooze now, there will be no chance of me getting up at 8 tomorrow to ready myself for yet another gruelling day in the kitchen. I'll definitely post more soon enough, if not with a proper blog, then I'll post some pretty pictures, I promise....I've got heaps of them now. Until then, take it easy, love you all.

P.S. Thanks Ray, love you man, please come back, I don't want to lose a customer....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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