Sydney! Pt 1

First of all, Happy Chinese/ Vietnamese New Year to everyone, wishing you all the most prosperous, joyful and healthiest New Year.

That aside now, we recently (seems just yesterday but it was actually more than a week ago) returned from Sydney. It was absolutely amazing! We spent 5 days down there for a real holiday after Christmas passed (once you're in hospitality, you pretty much have holidays after everyone finishes theirs). We were a little short of cash but pulled everything together in the last couple of days with New Year Red pocket which ended up adding to nearly a grand. Wowwers, definitely some good extra cash on goodies we were planning to skip.

The first couple of days in Sydney felt pretty much the same as Melbourne. Crowded streets filled with people and shops. Heaps of shops. Unlike Melbourne, the city is much more spaced out which although killed the legs, gave us some false hope of burning off the calorie laden foods we ate. That being said though, we ate pretty much everything in sight. I mean, to me, a holiday is much more than just getting away. It's about exploring, trying new things, seeing new places, experiencing new experiences and yes, getting fat.

I have never in my life eaten such wonderful foods, foods which would rival the best I'd had in Melbourne if I were to be honestly honest. Deep fried Ice-cream from Holy Basil just beside the Museum train station was absolutely out of this world! The Poached eggs from the Oyster bar which sat on the Harbour with the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House as the back drop, it's custurdy consistency cannot be described! And to top all of that off, the midnight treats we would venture for, - custard puffs, taro balls, fish balls, funky teas; rock salt cheese green tea...It.Was.Amazing!, and could be found pretty much at any-time of the day/ night.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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