Sigh, of relief

A big massive sigh of relief is let out after finding out the whole semester for my final year is not being assessed. I have to admit, I wanted to jump as high as I could after hearing that news but in not doing so, I've come to realise that the good news is short lived anyway. You see, after failing 3 out of my 4 exams for the mid semester, to come up even close to passing, I've got to do above average for my finals, a fair amount above it...

But you know what, my optimism is back and it's finally summoning my final bout of motivation, put away deep in my soul, something I haven't been able to find in the past couple of months. Maybe my endorphins are high after taking a bunch of painkillers for my wisdoms or it could be from the insane chest workout I just completed with Ricky, but endorphins talking or not, I'm serious.

Seriously sick of wondering whether or not I passed an exam. Seriously sick of stressing out before an exam because I didn't study enough. And seriously sick of not wanting it enough to be the best. There comes a time in life where just passing and just getting by doesn't cut it. I think that time is now.

Time to get started. Relief levels = decreasing. Stress Levels = 1.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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