The jump

The jump into adulthood; being a big kid, bigger than I was before anyways, didn't seem as gruesome as I once imagined. To be honest, if it were a jump at all, I wouldn't of been far off the ground. It kind of creeps up on you, inching closer at your heels and before you realize it, you look back and the younger days seem to have past by.

I say seem because you never really do grow up, especially if you're like me who really couldn't give two shits about much else, even when the world around you forces you to grow up. But maybe it's because I grew up too quickly, the harsh realization of poorness and 'no money in the wallet' while much younger made me realize much before the quarter life crisis many have, that life isn't all about getting by and surviving. I've said plenty of times that it's my time. I'm going to get out of this rut, this shit-hole, this survival mode that everyone seems to be trying to achieve.

And at about 65% of my current overall satisfaction of life, I feel I've achieved something people thrice my age may never reach. I'm out, out of the rut, out of the shit-hole, the survival mode. 65% mind you, a jump from about 40% since meeting the other one and graduating from university, and from 20% previously before then, is a growth which was achieved in just short of a year of hard fucking work.

The experiences....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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