cancelled shift

it was stink but i guess a relief as well getting a phone call from the office saying my shift at the koala tavern was cancelled. stink because if they had called me 10 minutes earilier i wouldn't of been half way there and a relief because i didn't really want to work so early; 7 is heaps early hmmmmk. hahaha, so i've been freezing my arse off at home, trying to read through a few of my last exams notes while watching the craziest police chases on tv. an hour or so of doing nothing because there's not enough time to do anything and too long of a time to sit around waiting serves good relaxation time to just chill ay. ohh well, i've gotta go and get changed again, hope this weather stops heaps of people from going out, if it were to me i'ld rather be at home in my cosy warm bed sleeping. fat


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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