i love soup, and my new haircut

me smiling

it was sickness today. waking up to brissies breezy cool mornings always gives me something extra for the day. it was pretty cool, something not seen here in a while but i think it's about time we get a bit less of the sun now that summers just about to be over.

we hit up the moma (museum of modern art for you non-trendy people) today for the andy warhol exhibit which was pretty awesome. seemed like everyone enjoyed it, and with everyone contributing a bit to each warhol display made it just that bit better. like janice said, we prolly would of spent a bit more time appreciating half the stuff if a million school kids weren't there running around but i guess there's always the weekend where we can visit again; it's good to see that the young are getting culturally educated earlier tho.

my favourite would of been the portrait of a man in a ball point pen. all it was was pretty much how you would scribble during that afternoon maths class in highschool, except it was just cool, seeing soo much detail put into the drawing. every individual hair on the mans head was captured by warhol and it's just amazing how such a little sketch which would of taken him a few minutes would of taken me days if even i could draw that well; it was errorless as well mind you..no white-out, i checkedd....

the soup cans were pretty sick, actually seeing that they were real copies from warhol made it a bit more special. the three of us, janice, bondy and myself fought over finding differences between paintings (warhol loved to replicate an image many times, i guess to emphasize his meanings, and change colour arrangments of the replicates). we agreed that the majority of differences were from slight camera movements tho the same couldn't be said when museum downlights changed portrait lighting at different angels.

it was a pretty sick day, bye byes were said when janice left for kelvin grove, we scored free kebabs from timmy who hopefully doesn't get fired now and my physiology prac which lasted for an hour was choice. i'm gonna head over to trungs for a bit of ping pong now. sickness...take care people.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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