autumn leaves are falling

autumn has arrived and the mood in the air dramatically changes from a few days back. it's more a chilled, laxed out feeeling i get now, not just literally, the mind feels a bit more eased back as well.

the significant difference in weather, especially when it's cooler, brings back memories, close and distant for me. i've made many memories which surround these cooler months so whenever the air changes, my life seems to change a little as well.

i feel that i reflect alot when it's cold, i guess your more indoors around this time, all cosied up in a blanket on that couch in front of ya tv. i love being outside during winter tho, the crisp freshness in the air and the smell of the soils and trees leave you refreshed asss.

autumn, i love autumn. my little sister leaves on her journey of many lessons, i sit and hope her the best and that she will be able to take home many wonderful experiences and memories and life lessons this world has got to offer.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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