now that that thing is over (tthat shocking attempt of a break we had), it's all back to the worrying and dreadful thought of getting back into it all. the holidays served nothing more than 3 at the most days of freedom, where we ate, pooled and dotaaaadded. i suprised my sister when she found out that even on the holidays i still had work 4 days a week but knowing me, i bet she thought it a gift (i would of probably sat on my arse doing nothing anyway).

these days without uni did serve some purpose, a purpose i only attempted to achieve yeseterday night at about 12 where i gathered all my notes and assignments and crammmmed. the end result led to falling asleep in front of the telly watching family guy. i'm gonna definately stop it ay. not just the fact that cramming when you've got absolutely all the time in the world to work on it but leaving the telly on.

earth hour 2008 which started at 8 o'clock saturday night made me way more appreciative on what we've got for granted. wandering the halls of my house holding a wax dripping candle showed just how.....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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