my midnight cram

well since i've pretty much outspoken my need to study harder and to stop cramming for exams, i'm just gonna let you know i am, yet again, upon my early hours of a study cram. there's only 3 lectures this time and honestly i can't believe how much we've done already.

it's been what...5 weeks (well alright it's pretty much nearly half way through the semester) but it's not the all "don't worry, it's all cruisy first couple of weeks before we settle in"; it's more like, needing to shit when you have the runs, it would be good to at least have some type of warning.

but i guess all is good considering the 5 weeks have gone by with a flash; the next few should be gone in no time and again, i will be sitting here, blogging about how i should of studied ahead of time and gone to my lectures.

ohh well, i enjoy these nights where i can reflect in my break time. i like being busy.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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