smashed but still straight

ya know what, although i've had a bit too much, more than the legal limit to do much, e.g. drive or operate any machinery i'm still as straight as a nail. i'm actually here to vent a little. i'm just a little shitty at all the dramas that's going on. alot involves me but ya know what, i've gotten to a stage where i really couldn't give a rats arse ay. unless they are the people very very close to me who genuinely care, i really can't be stuffed ay.

people just have to grow up i reckon. what are we...bloody 5 still? i truthfully don't think people our age should take much to heart, i mean, what, if you get upset over something little, what chance do you have in the real word. seriously, i know definately, i'm not as straight as i think but i seriously still think my words are true.

everyone just needs to chill out and look at the bigger picture. there's always going to be drama, misunderstandings and well ya know what, lifes just like that; you've just gotta see past it and live life. these past few weeks have been pretty hectic for me what, along with uni and work work work, i've also got personal shit that's lingering around. as much effort i put into it, i can't seem to get a grasp of how less important it really is. ya know, with everything, i still enjoy the chill out over at the msquare and the odd few hours of dota and cod with the few i really do love.

everyweek the few that are always there make living worthwhile. trust me, the late arvos kicking the ball around and the late nights over at ms and little hong kong mean a hell of alot to me. as much as it seems i'm blabbing, i am gratefull.

hopefully after this week i will be able to concentrate on my studies and to be honest, i seriously can't be stuffed with dramas. i've tried and too many times i've been brushed off. life is more than that.

enjoy the week, enjoy the night, enjoy the hour because those last hours of happiness you got from me are no longer existent to me. if life happens to bring us together again let it be, we will create new memories. if not, i guess it's bad luck, be it wrong, i am the friend you need.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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