so it's been just under an hour since the new year started. 2009 started off with the sound of my phone going 'bling' after receiving a message and the whooshing of my fan making it's normal sounds behind the couch which blows on me.

i'ld have to say, today, i guess has been one of the best new years eves' ever although you'ld never think it. a few hours back i was stoked-as to have finished work at the usual time and have it be for the last time of the year. having no real proper plan to enjoy the new year, i decided to pop by a few mates places and spend the new year whenever it came with whomever. thuys cancelled so it was over to kevins place to see a few of the a block fellas.

it was great seeing all the guys again, and im glad they felt the same when they all saw me. we caugh up barely and i needed to head over to logan where maybe 3 of my closer mates would be. unable to successfully contact any of them, it seemed as though fate would bring be back home to spend it with cola and mum.

it was a little strange spending new years by myself. i was actually looking forward to a night of drinking and partying since i hadn't in the past 3 years been anywhere near my mates as the clocked ticked over to 12. but the drive home alone, along the dark car-less road instead of making me depressed, actually gave me a slight sense of joy. despite the celebratory plans sort of equating to a fail, it ticked in my mind that in a few mere little 10s of minutes, 2009 would be here and bring with it a new year, another few more blank pages of life to be filled in. while sitting in the lounge room, sticky from the humidity and tripped out by the scenes of moulin rouge in front of me, i reflect on how the year just passing, had panned out and whether i'ld do anything different this year.

the year that had just past, brought along with it many memories both good a bad. to be truthfully honest though there are only a few things i actually do regret this year. the first would have to be my laziness. even though the first half of the year was occupied with much work and university, the second was far from anything that i'ld regard acceptable. i definately regret making excuses so regularly particularly when its for my laziness. this year would of been much more productive if i hadn't overthought everything. i actually plan to be a little less angry this coming year as well.

but like ever other post i make when the time seems like an appropriate time to turn things around, hopefully from today, or sometime coming in the next few weeks, i will try and be more productive, less angry, more motivated, active and fill this year with many more memories both good and bad. i hope to mend my broken relationships and further enhance my steady ones.

i wish you all a very happy and safe new year. nufinspecial will be bigger and better today.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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