2:07am Thursday Morning

i was planning to pop by to give a post a few hours ago and have only noticed that this window were open just now; just about to go to sleep too.

hmmm, while i was in the shower i felt like being an uncomfortable, complaining ly tonight. i mean, why is it so bloody hot these days. i really don't mind the hotness but just the humidity brisbane usually is when clouds are low. i mean, damn, if your gotta rain, just rain. the humidity just makes everything wet, especially ly because he has some type of chronic sweating disorder. knowing this beforehand, the fact that the second i hop out of the shower and wished that i were back in it, i made sure the aircon was on full blast and that the towel and me undies were in close reach so that i could wipe dry, put me undies on and run hard to my to be freezing cold room.

now that i'm in here, i can't help but complain why it's gotten so cold. the half full jug and cup in which i drink my protein, filled with tea which is cooled between icecube may have had something to do with it, i love eatting ice.

i feel so unproductive these days. feeling so tired after work and not being able to get to sleep till the early hours of the morning has left me either too tired to wake up after the 'enough' 7 hours of sleep i usually get or too tired to wake up after sleeping too much. i patched up that leaking tap i talked about a few days back and have tiled (tile stickers) up the section of the kitchen wall which was ripped down (looks alot better than before i'ld have to say). mum reckons we do the whole kitchen. my air intake off of my accord busted a plastic holding so i replaced it with a silicon hose and some hose clamps i bought from autobahn and bunnings respectively. just sorted out my uni timetable this morning and it's pretty cool that i'll be attending with someone i know. yay, i have friends. i tried to organise all the tools that have been burried within the sheds, not too much done to be classified as successfull.

i had a break day today. the workout yesterday on chest didn't seem as though it did much but today it feels as though a cow slept on my chest the whole night. i felt that i needed a break and didn't feel 'too' much of a lazy arse. i'm to do legs and a bit of arms today, WHICH WILL BE A BITCH. i've done a bit of reading on bb.com and have learnt a few new things which i will try in my session today arvo. i was close to starting a bodyspace account, but it'll have to wait, for another night where i'm a little more motivated.

i've decided to paint the accord. i was thinking about fixing up all the paint thats flaking due to the damaging sun that is of brisbane but doing it the same colour although makes it look pretty clean, i've decided i'm going to be different and go flat black, maybe. i'll do the bonnet in the morning hopefully; i've been saying that for a good few weeks now, maybe i've just gotta get it started to get it done.

i'll wake up early hopefully tomorrow morning, go and get some paint, some sand paper and see how it goes. i'll smash gym usual time and then get ready for the 6er.

life seems so routine.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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