i'm so bored

my mr rugby dont let mr pegs bring you down, or hang you up?

so my new 2009 to do list has been started and man, i can't wait to feel that sense of satisfaction once a few of them get to be crossed out. most of my worries are the debts needed to pay off here and there but then i think, once they are gone and done with, what else do i have to do?

as it is at the moment, i've fixed all that i needed to around the house. the hallway lights just installed have lit the path which have been dark for many years. the little sisters bedroom downstairs is also now lit with bright fluroescents; i can't believe its really been 2 years since the last time that room had some light in it. the lawn although mowed at the start of the holidays can do with a trim but it can wait i guess. the camry lights, due to a stuffed solenoid have been dead and i've revived them. the dog which needed a bath since it was taken home (it smelt like that anyways) was dunked, soaped then rewarded. fish tank cleaned can be ticked off; i can't believe they are still alive, 10 down to 4, survival of the fittest yo.

all that 'really' needed to be done has in fact been done (with the exception of the bloody kitchen tap leakage which 'WILL' get fixed tomorrow) and i've been really bored. honestly, to tell the awful truth, i feel like i'm turning into one of those sick depressed lonely 20 or so year olds sitting in front of an offed television screen on a friday night eatting yoghurt (i don't do that by the way). my nights after work are filled with driving through the city to look at people and reflect on 'why i have no friends' or at the close by video ezy between the many aisles of dvd covers which have been much too familiar considering the times i've browsed them; i remember reading a video cover twice, forgetting i had done so the day before.

i had a read of this cover wednesday night i think it was and decided to give it a google to see what would come up~ i love having stuff to google. the movie was titled 'All my friends are leaving Brisbane' where the tagline read 'If you're in your twenties, single, and hate your job, you've got to get out of this city'. so....that got me thinking. ticking all three (although my job isn't all that bad), it kinda well, of course makes you wonder, should i,- leave brisbane? probably not considering it's not all that bad, i mean, it's not even bad. but i think i'm just one of those people that need to be around other people and it seems as though everyone else needs time alone.

haha, being lonely,- alone is what i should say, for a couple of days sort of becomes a bit of a habit. i can understand why some people keep to themselves through life, it just seems so much easier in 'different aspects'. i love coming home early from work, having cola actually genuinely happy to see me. im able to chill out with her, have a shower, eat whatever i want and then be a lazy arse on the couch watching tele or on the computer browsing.

this week has been pretty much that. maybe being sick for the first half of it put me into a bit of a recuperating state where i needed my sleep, and rest but i just don't 'feel' like going out anymore; maybe i'm just burnt out. but with that being said, i feel the need to interact. tien the gay fag tran gives me some good company during the early hours of work when nights seem to drag but once its busy, it just seems as though he drifts around as well. i love the dick. smsing seems pretty scarce as do phone calls these days but its both ways. i've sent a few messages but having no reply i guess makes me wonder why i bother. i love it though how the smelly face janice and the like always seem to without doubt have an sms reply seconds after you've asked what they're up to. i love them too.

i don't know, drifting seems to be the new habit of ly but i guess it doesn't 'really' bother me to much, at least i don't get to use my legs, properly, they sort of drag under you if you drift yeah?

yeah i got that bored, bored enough to organise all my pharmacy notes into one folder for future reference...

my to do lists of the holidays. as you can see, most of the tasks have been ticked off, some twice but if they are complete why leave them 'unticked'?


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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