lazy arse

man, now that i've got more time to do stuff i've actually become less productive. waking up early to do placements today (ohh yeah, now that i'm 'officially' 2nd year and am able to do the single 2nd year subject that i haven't been able to do, pharmacy placements have been part of my curriculum) i felt like it was probably the one other thing apart from the monday tute that i really needed to really do this week.

tuesday was spent doing jack all day and then heading to work at night. today has probably been my slackest day where even though i did placements, and gymed with martin (it's good how gyming is just apart of any other day now) i feel as though it's been wasted on youtube (barely can be described as wasted in my opinion) and periodically checking hotmail, qut and facebook for notifications. i am an addict.

my plan for the next couple of days...10-12 microbiology tomorrow, 1 - 5 pharmacology revision, friday do some more pharmacology. saturday study a little of calculations and hopefully that will be enough revision for the exams on tuesday and wednesday.

wish me luck.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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