deja vu

and the reason is you....

i swear i've done a post similar to this before, but everytime i listen to the bloody song it always brings back memories of old; ones i much much long for. it's pretty true one 'youtube-ilian' pointed out, 'you need not watch the video, just listen to the words' and even so, when i do watch the video, pictures of our young selves are scattered in front of my eyes.

corny captions back then, bring slight sadness today, knowing much of what was, is no more. i can remember of a few particular photos; one of a 70's night where the 5 or so of us are huddled together, afros awide, young, innocent, and another in particular where there is a bottle cap on mikhails forehead.

even with the amateur use of video effects windows media player offered, and the slight off sync of music to picture, it seemed to create some type of,- insurance? maybe a plan which could never be claimed? back then anyway, it seemed to give me a sense of belonging. the video pretty much sumed up all that was us, everything that was us, and maybe a false sense of what was to be the future; a group of mates whom would be together for a long time to come.

it's hard to compare the photo frame which holds a dust covered picture three or so years ago to the one just a few months back. sitting side by side atop my computer shelf, clearly, times have indeed changed much of what used to be. it truly is easy to spot the differences but is it so for what has stayed the same?

for one, the most obvious is that as friends and family can come and go, family always comes back. as much as i'ld still like to hold on to the past memories, i think it might be time to move on; i mean, it really isn't hard to realise that most of what remains now was like that last year, and more so the year before. but maybe i might be thinking in a wrong sense?

im confused now, hopefully i'll be able to figure this out in part 2?


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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