mid semesters continued

so now that i'm finally on the last leg of my journey, having it be all downhill from here, knowing that i might actually quite possibly have some few hours of decent sleep tonight, i've decided to procrastinate on my last dedicated lecture for tonight.

several "thousand" words relating to glaucoma, sleeping disorders and headaches and migranes are barely fitting between the sides of my ear lobes. 'i can touch your ear lobes, and heal your heart' hahahaha. but gee, it's quite terrible how even now i am still able to procrastinate my previous procrastination of study when i know that i have time to just chill.

if i was actually keen enough i'ld probably go for an hour or so of the you-tube but my conscience, that little ly inside my head is fighting hard to get me back on track. man, i hate being lazy, are there any drugs which can be indicated for symptoms of laziness?

i'll research, maybe later.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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