Blog with no Internet

So I was out of internet for a couple of weeks back because of my quota problems but I didn't forget to blog.

27th January, 2010

The past couple of weeks have taught me a few very valuable lessons.

1. Great friends are ones that cannot be distinguished between family. A friend is someone who knows your name and you know theirs. A great friend is one who’s been there at your lowest, and celebrated with you at your highest.

2. Great friends much like family can get pissed at you and you both have to solve it together and let time heal wounds.

3. Nothing is greater than your dreams. Life happenings can make dreams drift and forgotten but nothing is more satisfying than reviving your motivations and striving for your goals.

4. There are always idiots which make your life harder. Just don’t be tempted to become one.

5. It can take years for someone to love you, but an instant for them to hate you.

6. With positive thoughts, there are positive doings.

7. Life goes on.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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